A sustainable fashion event to exchange children’s clothing and extend the useful life of garments by recycling.
On April 2 at Nest City Lab by ApocApoc a collaborative space of sustainable soul in Poble Nou, will take place on Swap Kids , an event de circular fashion for i nterchange of children’s clothes from 5 to 12 years old .
The operation is simple. You have to register for the event (link to sign up), pay a 5 € fee to cover the costs of the event (any money left over will be reinvested in other sustainable fashion initiatives) and the day before the event (April 1 from 17:00 to 20:00) or the Saturday before the event (April 2 from 10:00 to 12:00) go to deliver the garments you want to exchange.
Each registrant may bring 3 to 8 gifts maximum and all parts must be in good condition . The idea is to give garments that for whatever reason have been given little use. The idea is that another mother can make the most of it.
When you turn in the garments you will be given some swaps that you can use the next day during the event to buy other garments.
- Belts, bandanas, buffs, tops and T-shirts: 1 Swap
- Casual dresses, backpacks, bottoms, blouses and shirts: 2 Swaps
- Evening dresses, coats and jackets: 3 Swaps
Swap Kids Barcelona, a sustainable fashion event to recycle your child’s clothes
On the 2nd from 12:00 to 20:00 with these swaps you can get new clothes for your child and thus join a circular fashion system much more sustainable for everyone. Reuse, recycle and thus try to close the circle.
The leftover clothes from the event will be donated to Botigues Solidança’s clothing campaign and will be part of the collection of clothes for the children refugees from the war in Ukraine.
Swap Kids Barcelona is an event organized by Moda Sostenible Barcelona, El Club de la Moda Positiva, Elisa Dubois, Moraduix Kids, Wildest Wild and A Poc a Poc in collaboration with Solidança.
Swap Kids Barcelona
2 de abril de 12:00 a 20:00 en Nest City Lab, Carrer d’Àlaba, 100, 08018 Barcelona
Ethical fashion for a sustainable future, a book to become more responsible consumers.