Home Shopping Personalized T-shirts, the essential advertising item for your company

Personalized T-shirts, the essential advertising item for your company

how to make personalized t-shirts

Among the merchandising products you can make for your brand, custom T-shirts are the most successful item. They add value, build community, create a sense of belonging and, of course, they are a great advertising claim.

Merchandising items for companies, the importance of personalization.

Los advertising items for companies are a great tool that, with a limited investment of money, allow us to achieve great results. Through merchandising, we not only make our customers happy with a little gift, we are branding and creating advertising impacts .

Nowadays, there are many companies on the market that allow us to customize all kinds of items: from mugs, cups and bottles to ecological merchandising, cotton bags, advertising pens and much more. But it is very important that, for our merchandising to work, we choose a product or a set of them that represents the values of the brand and is consistent with the context in which we want to give it away. In any case, if there is one product that always works well, it is personalized T-shirts.

Why personalized t-shirts are the best advertising product for your company

The answer is easy, with a personalized t-shirt you have the power to transmit your idea, your brand’s values and its image with an everyday product.

Personalized T-shirts, a gift that advertises you

When you give merchandising t-shirts to your team or to your customers, you are giving value to your company and creating a link with your community. . Your employees and/or your customers will wear your t-shirts and feel that they are part of something. And, very importantly, by wearing these t-shirts, they will be advertising you for free and will be elevating your brand image to a more professional level.

How to make personalized T-shirts

Merchandising is key to making merchandising work to make a quality product capable of representing well the image and values of the brand. For its realization is essential to use a custom t-shirt company that can offer us a quality product, offer extensive customization possibilities and can advise us well.

When it comes to start customizing our t-shirt, we find thousands of options, but if we want to get it right, there are some variables that do not fail.

As for the type of sleeves the short sleeve t-shirts are usually the most accepted, no matter what season we are in. We can always use an extra T-shirt, especially if it is beautiful and made of a good material. This would be the second variable: the type of fabric . It is clear that if we are a sports brand, things change, but, in general terms, the cotton is usually the favorite material.

Talking about cotton we will find several types of qualities, obviously the better the better, the more expensive the price will be. But remember that T-shirts are also an investment and what we want is a nice and good quality product so that people will want to wear it. In general there are two types of t-shirts types of cotton :

  1. Carded cotton (typical T-shirt cotton)
  2. Combed cotton (softer and shinier)

If our values reflect sustainability then it is clear that the best option will be to choose a material of the type organic cotton (certified as originating from sustainable agriculture) or the recycled polyester .
El round neck type classic is like the short sleeve, the basic option that everyone likes. Unless you don’t want to present something amazing in design, this will be your best option.

Another detail we have to choose is the type of setting of the T-shirt. The most common is that we find all kinds of options, from the regular fit to the tightest models. Keep in mind that choosing a fit regular will always guarantee a better level of acceptance.

The creative phase: Personalizing our T-shirt

Of course our merchandising t-shirt will have the logo of the company but, in addition to that, a design or a phrase that makes it special. The customization possibilities are very wide but in general the design can go on the front leaving the logo on one sleeve or on the back or the design occupies the large part of the back and the logo on one side of the front.

What color to choose for your T-shirt

In principle, the color of the t-shirt should be to match or blend in with the logo and design colors although in many cases, especially if it is a one-time action, you can opt for black and white prints and colored T-shirts.
If you don’t want to risk too much, the white T-shirt is a basic that never fails . Black is also quite popular. But if you want to go bold with color, try to send the right message or choose a trendy seasonal color that people will like to wear.

  • Blue usually sends a message of stability and tranquility.
  • Red is dynamism and passion
  • Orange is joy and speed
  • Yellow is happiness and good vibes
  • Green is harmony and well-being
  • Pink is intimate and sweet
  • Purple is mysticism and fun

How to choose the printing technique

In the process of creating your custom t-shirts you will reach a point where you will have to choose the printing technique. Each type of design has its ideal printing technique so it is best to be advised during the creation process. This way we will have the best results according to our design and we will find the best value for money.
Anyway, to get an idea, we could say that the types of printing in this case would be:

  • Serigraphy, a stretched mesh is used where the design is applied and ink is applied afterwards.
  • Transfer, which can be screen-printed (like a hot screen printing) or digital (allowing full color personalization).
  • Embroidery, ideal option for small details designed for small details that may be on the chest or on a sleeve but that provide a more professional and outstanding finish.
  • Sublimation, is a type of stamping but without generating reliefs and uses heat as the silkscreen transfer.

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